
freelist 型と関連する型


// txPending holds a list of pgids and corresponding allocation txns
// that are pending to be freed.
type txPending struct {
  ids              []pgid
  alloctx          []txid // txids allocating the ids
  lastReleaseBegin txid   // beginning txid of last matching releaseRange

// pidSet holds the set of starting pgids which have the same span size
type pidSet map[pgid]struct{}

// freelist represents a list of all pages that are available for allocation.
// It also tracks pages that have been freed but are still in use by open transactions.
type freelist struct {
  freelistType   FreelistType                // freelist type
  ids            []pgid                      // all free and available free page ids.
  allocs         map[pgid]txid               // mapping of txid that allocated a pgid.
  pending        map[txid]*txPending         // mapping of soon-to-be free page ids by tx.
  cache          map[pgid]bool               // fast lookup of all free and pending page ids.
  freemaps       map[uint64]pidSet           // key is the size of continuous pages(span), value is a set which contains the starting pgids of same size
  forwardMap     map[pgid]uint64             // key is start pgid, value is its span size
  backwardMap    map[pgid]uint64             // key is end pgid, value is its span size
  allocate       func(txid txid, n int) pgid // the freelist allocate func
  free_count     func() int                  // the function which gives you free page number
  mergeSpans     func(ids pgids)             // the mergeSpan func
  getFreePageIDs func() []pgid               // get free pgids func
  readIDs        func(pgids []pgid)          // readIDs func reads list of pages and init the freelist


// FreelistType is the type of the freelist backend
type FreelistType string

const (
  // FreelistArrayType indicates backend freelist type is array
  FreelistArrayType = FreelistType("array")
  // FreelistMapType indicates backend freelist type is hashmap
  FreelistMapType = FreelistType("hashmap")

newFreelist 関数 freelist.go#L38-L65

// newFreelist returns an empty, initialized freelist.
func newFreelist(freelistType FreelistType) *freelist {
  f := &freelist{
    freelistType: freelistType,
    allocs:       make(map[pgid]txid),
    pending:      make(map[txid]*txPending),
    cache:        make(map[pgid]bool),
    freemaps:     make(map[uint64]pidSet),
    forwardMap:   make(map[pgid]uint64),
    backwardMap:  make(map[pgid]uint64),

  if freelistType == FreelistMapType {
    f.allocate = f.hashmapAllocate
    f.free_count = f.hashmapFreeCount
    f.mergeSpans = f.hashmapMergeSpans
    f.getFreePageIDs = f.hashmapGetFreePageIDs
    f.readIDs = f.hashmapReadIDs
  } else {
    f.allocate = f.arrayAllocate
    f.free_count = f.arrayFreeCount
    f.mergeSpans = f.arrayMergeSpans
    f.getFreePageIDs = f.arrayGetFreePageIDs
    f.readIDs = f.arrayReadIDs

  return f

freelist のバックエンド実装は hashmaparray の2種類があり、 allocate, free_count, mergeSpans, getFreePageIDs, readIDs メソッドがバックエンド毎に実装されている。

array ベースのバックエンド実装

arrayAllocate メソッド


// arrayAllocate returns the starting page id of a contiguous list of pages of a given size.
// If a contiguous block cannot be found then 0 is returned.
func (f *freelist) arrayAllocate(txid txid, n int) pgid {
  if len(f.ids) == 0 {
    return 0

  var initial, previd pgid
  for i, id := range f.ids {
    if id <= 1 {
      panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid page allocation: %d", id))

    // Reset initial page if this is not contiguous.
    if previd == 0 || id-previd != 1 {
      initial = id

    // If we found a contiguous block then remove it and return it.
    if (id-initial)+1 == pgid(n) {
      // If we're allocating off the beginning then take the fast path
      // and just adjust the existing slice. This will use extra memory
      // temporarily but the append() in free() will realloc the slice
      // as is necessary.
      if (i + 1) == n {
        f.ids = f.ids[i+1:]
      } else {
        copy(f.ids[i-n+1:], f.ids[i+1:])
        f.ids = f.ids[:len(f.ids)-n]

      // Remove from the free cache.
      for i := pgid(0); i < pgid(n); i++ {
        delete(f.cache, initial+i)
      f.allocs[initial] = txid
      return initial

    previd = id
  return 0

arrayFreeCount メソッド


// arrayFreeCount returns count of free pages(array version)
func (f *freelist) arrayFreeCount() int {
  return len(f.ids)

f.ids の長さがそのまま free なページ数になる。

arrayMergeSpans メソッド


// arrayMergeSpans try to merge list of pages(represented by pgids) with existing spans but using array
func (f *freelist) arrayMergeSpans(ids pgids) {
  f.ids = pgids(f.ids).merge(ids)

arrayGetFreePageIDs メソッド


func (f *freelist) arrayGetFreePageIDs() []pgid {
  return f.ids

f.ids をそのまま返すだけ。

arrayReadIDs メソッド


// arrayReadIDs initializes the freelist from a given list of ids.
func (f *freelist) arrayReadIDs(ids []pgid) {
  f.ids = ids

引数の idsf.ids にそのままセットして、 reindex メソッドを呼ぶだけ。

hashmap ベースのバックエンド実装

hashmapAllocate メソッド


// hashmapAllocate serves the same purpose as arrayAllocate, but use hashmap as backend
func (f *freelist) hashmapAllocate(txid txid, n int) pgid {
  if n == 0 {
    return 0

  // if we have a exact size match just return short path
  if bm, ok := f.freemaps[uint64(n)]; ok {
    for pid := range bm {
      // remove the span
      f.delSpan(pid, uint64(n))

      f.allocs[pid] = txid

      for i := pgid(0); i < pgid(n); i++ {
        delete(f.cache, pid+pgid(i))
      return pid

  // lookup the map to find larger span
  for size, bm := range f.freemaps {
    if size < uint64(n) {

    for pid := range bm {
      // remove the initial
      f.delSpan(pid, uint64(size))

      f.allocs[pid] = txid

      remain := size - uint64(n)

      // add remain span
      f.addSpan(pid+pgid(n), remain)

      for i := pgid(0); i < pgid(n); i++ {
        delete(f.cache, pid+pgid(i))
      return pid

  return 0

addSpandelSpan メソッド freelist_hmap.go#L125-L142

func (f *freelist) addSpan(start pgid, size uint64) {
  f.backwardMap[start-1+pgid(size)] = size
  f.forwardMap[start] = size
  if _, ok := f.freemaps[size]; !ok {
    f.freemaps[size] = make(map[pgid]struct{})

  f.freemaps[size][start] = struct{}{}

func (f *freelist) delSpan(start pgid, size uint64) {
  delete(f.forwardMap, start)
  delete(f.backwardMap, start+pgid(size-1))
  delete(f.freemaps[size], start)
  if len(f.freemaps[size]) == 0 {
    delete(f.freemaps, size)

hashmapFreeCount メソッド freelist_hmap.go#L5-L13

// hashmapFreeCount returns count of free pages(hashmap version)
func (f *freelist) hashmapFreeCount() int {
  // use the forwardmap to get the total count
  count := 0
  for _, size := range f.forwardMap {
    count += int(size)
  return count

f.forwardMap の値の合計を返す。

hashmapMergeSpans メソッド


// hashmapMergeSpans try to merge list of pages(represented by pgids) with existing spans
func (f *freelist) hashmapMergeSpans(ids pgids) {
  for _, id := range ids {
    // try to see if we can merge and update

mergeWithExistingSpan メソッド freelist_hmap.go#L97-L123

// mergeWithExistingSpan merges pid to the existing free spans, try to merge it backward and forward
func (f *freelist) mergeWithExistingSpan(pid pgid) {
  prev := pid - 1
  next := pid + 1

  preSize, mergeWithPrev := f.backwardMap[prev]
  nextSize, mergeWithNext := f.forwardMap[next]
  newStart := pid
  newSize := uint64(1)

  if mergeWithPrev {
    //merge with previous span
    start := prev + 1 - pgid(preSize)
    f.delSpan(start, preSize)

    newStart -= pgid(preSize)
    newSize += preSize

  if mergeWithNext {
    // merge with next span
    f.delSpan(next, nextSize)
    newSize += nextSize

  f.addSpan(newStart, newSize)

hashmapGetFreePageIDs メソッド


// hashmapGetFreePageIDs returns the sorted free page ids
func (f *freelist) hashmapGetFreePageIDs() []pgid {
  count := f.free_count()
  if count == 0 {
    return nil

  m := make([]pgid, 0, count)
  for start, size := range f.forwardMap {
    for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
      m = append(m, start+pgid(i))

  return m

hashmapReadIDs メソッド


// hashmapReadIDs reads pgids as input an initial the freelist(hashmap version)
func (f *freelist) hashmapReadIDs(pgids []pgid) {

  // Rebuild the page cache.

free メソッド


// free releases a page and its overflow for a given transaction id.
// If the page is already free then a panic will occur.
func (f *freelist) free(txid txid, p *page) {
  if <= 1 {
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot free page 0 or 1: %d",

  // Free page and all its overflow pages.
  txp := f.pending[txid]
  if txp == nil {
    txp = &txPending{}
    f.pending[txid] = txp
  allocTxid, ok := f.allocs[]
  if ok {
  } else if (p.flags & freelistPageFlag) != 0 {
    // Freelist is always allocated by prior tx.
    allocTxid = txid - 1

  for id :=; id <=; id++ {
    // Verify that page is not already free.
    if f.cache[id] {
      panic(fmt.Sprintf("page %d already freed", id))
    // Add to the freelist and cache.
    txp.ids = append(txp.ids, id)
    txp.alloctx = append(txp.alloctx, allocTxid)
    f.cache[id] = true

release メソッド


// release moves all page ids for a transaction id (or older) to the freelist.
func (f *freelist) release(txid txid) {
  m := make(pgids, 0)
  for tid, txp := range f.pending {
    if tid <= txid {
      // Move transaction's pending pages to the available freelist.
      // Don't remove from the cache since the page is still free.
      m = append(m, txp.ids...)
      delete(f.pending, tid)

releaseRange メソッド


// releaseRange moves pending pages allocated within an extent [begin,end] to the free list.
func (f *freelist) releaseRange(begin, end txid) {
  if begin > end {
  var m pgids
  for tid, txp := range f.pending {
    if tid < begin || tid > end {
    // Don't recompute freed pages if ranges haven't updated.
    if txp.lastReleaseBegin == begin {
    for i := 0; i < len(txp.ids); i++ {
      if atx := txp.alloctx[i]; atx < begin || atx > end {
      m = append(m, txp.ids[i])
      txp.ids[i] = txp.ids[len(txp.ids)-1]
      txp.ids = txp.ids[:len(txp.ids)-1]
      txp.alloctx[i] = txp.alloctx[len(txp.alloctx)-1]
      txp.alloctx = txp.alloctx[:len(txp.alloctx)-1]
    txp.lastReleaseBegin = begin
    if len(txp.ids) == 0 {
      delete(f.pending, tid)