

VictoriaMetrics/fastcache のコードリーディングのメモです。対象バージョンはこの記事を書いた時点の最新コミット c9a5939 です。


VictoriaMetrics/fastcacheVictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics のメトリクス名の管理に使っているキーバリューストアを切り出したものなので、 VictoriaMetrics での要件に沿った仕様となっています。

大量のエントリを GC のオーバーヘッドなしに登録可能なデザインとありますが、 VictoriaMetrics という時系列DBのメトリクス名からIDへのマッピングなどを保管する用途なのでキーと値の集合は一旦一通り登録したら、それ以降は基本的には増えないような使い方を想定していると推測します。



Architecture details にある通り、多数のバケットから構成されるハッシュテーブルになっています。バケット毎にロックが分かれているのでマルチコアの CPU で別のバケットにアクセスする場合は並列に実行可能です。



const bucketsCount = 512

const chunkSize = 64 * 1024

const bucketSizeBits = 40

const genSizeBits = 64 - bucketSizeBits

const maxGen = 1<<genSizeBits - 1

const maxBucketSize uint64 = 1 << bucketSizeBits

バケット数は 512 固定。チャンクサイズは 64 KiB。 uint64 の 8 バイトの領域のうち 40bit をバケットサイズに使い、残りの 24bit を世代に使うようになっています。 maxBucketSize1<<40 つまり 1 TiB です。

メインのCache 構造体


type Cache struct {
  buckets [bucketsCount]bucket

  bigStats BigStats

512 個のバケットと統計情報のフィールドを持ちます。

New 関数


// New returns new cache with the given maxBytes capacity in bytes.
// maxBytes must be smaller than the available RAM size for the app,
// since the cache holds data in memory.
// If maxBytes is less than 32MB, then the minimum cache capacity is 32MB.
func New(maxBytes int) *Cache {
  if maxBytes <= 0 {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("maxBytes must be greater than 0; got %d", maxBytes))
  var c Cache
  maxBucketBytes := uint64((maxBytes + bucketsCount - 1) / bucketsCount)
  for i := range c.buckets[:] {
  return &c

引数の maxBytes をバケットの数 512 で割って切り上げたものを、1 つのバケット当たりの最大バイト数とし各バケットを初期化します。

bucket 構造体と Init メソッド


type bucket struct {
  mu sync.RWMutex

  // chunks is a ring buffer with encoded (k, v) pairs.
  // It consists of 64KB chunks.
  chunks [][]byte

  // m maps hash(k) to idx of (k, v) pair in chunks.
  m map[uint64]uint64

  // idx points to chunks for writing the next (k, v) pair.
  idx uint64

  // gen is the generation of chunks.
  gen uint64

  getCalls    uint64
  setCalls    uint64
  misses      uint64
  collisions  uint64
  corruptions uint64

func (b *bucket) Init(maxBytes uint64) {
  if maxBytes == 0 {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("maxBytes cannot be zero"))
  if maxBytes >= maxBucketSize {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("too big maxBytes=%d; should be smaller than %d", maxBytes, maxBucketSize))
  maxChunks := (maxBytes + chunkSize - 1) / chunkSize
  b.chunks = make([][]byte, maxChunks)
  b.m = make(map[uint64]uint64)

Cache の Set メソッド


// Set stores (k, v) in the cache.
// Get must be used for reading the stored entry.
// The stored entry may be evicted at any time either due to cache
// overflow or due to unlikely hash collision.
// Pass higher maxBytes value to New if the added items disappear
// frequently.
// (k, v) entries with summary size exceeding 64KB aren't stored in the cache.
// SetBig can be used for storing entries exceeding 64KB.
// k and v contents may be modified after returning from Set.
func (c *Cache) Set(k, v []byte) {
  h := xxhash.Sum64(k)
  idx := h % bucketsCount
  c.buckets[idx].Set(k, v, h)

xxhash.Sum64 でキーのハッシュ値を計算し、バケット数で割った余りをインデクスとして対応するバケットを決定しその Set メソッドに移譲。

ハッシュ値が衝突する場合は同じハッシュ値の古いキーが上書きされる。衝突が頻繁に起こるようなら maxBytes ともっと大きい値にして New を呼んで Cache を作るようにしておく。

Get など他のメソッドもほぼ同じパターン。

bucket の Set メソッド


func (b *bucket) Set(k, v []byte, h uint64) {
  setCalls := atomic.AddUint64(&b.setCalls, 1)
  if setCalls%(1<<14) == 0 {

  if len(k) >= (1<<16) || len(v) >= (1<<16) {
    // Too big key or value - its length cannot be encoded
    // with 2 bytes (see below). Skip the entry.
  var kvLenBuf [4]byte
  kvLenBuf[0] = byte(uint16(len(k)) >> 8)
  kvLenBuf[1] = byte(len(k))
  kvLenBuf[2] = byte(uint16(len(v)) >> 8)
  kvLenBuf[3] = byte(len(v))
  kvLen := uint64(len(kvLenBuf) + len(k) + len(v))
  if kvLen >= chunkSize {
    // Do not store too big keys and values, since they do not
    // fit a chunk.
  idx := b.idx
  idxNew := idx + kvLen
  chunkIdx := idx / chunkSize
  chunkIdxNew := idxNew / chunkSize
  if chunkIdxNew > chunkIdx {
    if chunkIdxNew >= uint64(len(b.chunks)) {
      idx = 0
      idxNew = kvLen
      chunkIdx = 0
      if b.gen&((1<<genSizeBits)-1) == 0 {
    } else {
      idx = chunkIdxNew * chunkSize
      idxNew = idx + kvLen
      chunkIdx = chunkIdxNew
    b.chunks[chunkIdx] = b.chunks[chunkIdx][:0]
  chunk := b.chunks[chunkIdx]
  if chunk == nil {
    chunk = getChunk()
    chunk = chunk[:0]
  chunk = append(chunk, kvLenBuf[:]...)
  chunk = append(chunk, k...)
  chunk = append(chunk, v...)
  b.chunks[chunkIdx] = chunk
  b.m[h] = idx | (b.gen << bucketSizeBits)
  b.idx = idxNew

Cache の Get メソッド


// Get appends value by the key k to dst and returns the result.
// Get allocates new byte slice for the returned value if dst is nil.
// Get returns only values stored in c via Set.
// k contents may be modified after returning from Get.
func (c *Cache) Get(dst, k []byte) []byte {
  h := xxhash.Sum64(k)
  idx := h % bucketsCount
  dst, _ = c.buckets[idx].Get(dst, k, h, true)
  return dst

まずシグネチャが Get(k []byte) []byte でなく、値の書き込み先 dst を引数で渡すことに注意。 Go のビルトイン関数 append と同じパターン。これにより dstcap に余裕があればメモリ割り当てをしなくて済む。

bucket の Get メソッド


func (b *bucket) Get(dst, k []byte, h uint64, returnDst bool) ([]byte, bool) {
  atomic.AddUint64(&b.getCalls, 1)
  found := false
  v := b.m[h]
  bGen := b.gen & ((1 << genSizeBits) - 1)
  if v > 0 {
    gen := v >> bucketSizeBits
    idx := v & ((1 << bucketSizeBits) - 1)
    if gen == bGen && idx < b.idx || gen+1 == bGen && idx >= b.idx || gen == maxGen && bGen == 1 && idx >= b.idx {
      chunkIdx := idx / chunkSize
      if chunkIdx >= uint64(len(b.chunks)) {
        // Corrupted data during the load from file. Just skip it.
        atomic.AddUint64(&b.corruptions, 1)
        goto end
      chunk := b.chunks[chunkIdx]
      idx %= chunkSize
      if idx+4 >= chunkSize {
        // Corrupted data during the load from file. Just skip it.
        atomic.AddUint64(&b.corruptions, 1)
        goto end
      kvLenBuf := chunk[idx : idx+4]
      keyLen := (uint64(kvLenBuf[0]) << 8) | uint64(kvLenBuf[1])
      valLen := (uint64(kvLenBuf[2]) << 8) | uint64(kvLenBuf[3])
      idx += 4
      if idx+keyLen+valLen >= chunkSize {
        // Corrupted data during the load from file. Just skip it.
        atomic.AddUint64(&b.corruptions, 1)
        goto end
      if string(k) == string(chunk[idx:idx+keyLen]) {
        idx += keyLen
        if returnDst {
          dst = append(dst, chunk[idx:idx+valLen]...)
        found = true
      } else {
        atomic.AddUint64(&b.collisions, 1)
  if !found {
    atomic.AddUint64(&b.misses, 1)
  return dst, found

Cache の Del メソッド


// Del deletes value for the given k from the cache.
// k contents may be modified after returning from Del.
func (c *Cache) Del(k []byte) {
  h := xxhash.Sum64(k)
  idx := h % bucketsCount

bucket の Del メソッド


func (b *bucket) Del(h uint64) {
  delete(b.m, h)



// +build !appengine,!windows

package fastcache

import (

const chunksPerAlloc = 1024

var (
  freeChunks     []*[chunkSize]byte
  freeChunksLock sync.Mutex

func getChunk() []byte {
  if len(freeChunks) == 0 {
    // Allocate offheap memory, so GOGC won't take into account cache size.
    // This should reduce free memory waste.
    data, err := syscall.Mmap(-1, 0, chunkSize*chunksPerAlloc, syscall.PROT_READ|syscall.PROT_WRITE, syscall.MAP_ANON|syscall.MAP_PRIVATE)
    if err != nil {
      panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot allocate %d bytes via mmap: %s", chunkSize*chunksPerAlloc, err))
    for len(data) > 0 {
      p := (*[chunkSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))
      freeChunks = append(freeChunks, p)
      data = data[chunkSize:]
  n := len(freeChunks) - 1
  p := freeChunks[n]
  freeChunks[n] = nil
  freeChunks = freeChunks[:n]
  return p[:]

func putChunk(chunk []byte) {
  if chunk == nil {
  chunk = chunk[:chunkSize]
  p := (*[chunkSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&chunk[0]))

  freeChunks = append(freeChunks, p)



// +build appengine windows

package fastcache

func getChunk() []byte {
  return make([]byte, chunkSize)

func putChunk(chunk []byte) {
  // No-op.

SetBig と GetBig に関連する定数


// maxSubvalueLen is the maximum size of subvalue chunk.
// - 16 bytes are for subkey encoding
// - 4 bytes are for len(key)+len(value) encoding inside fastcache
// - 1 byte is implementation detail of fastcache
const maxSubvalueLen = chunkSize - 16 - 4 - 1

// maxKeyLen is the maximum size of key.
// - 16 bytes are for (hash + valueLen)
// - 4 bytes are for len(key)+len(subkey)
// - 1 byte is implementation detail of fastcache
const maxKeyLen = chunkSize - 16 - 4 - 1

Cache の SetBig メソッド


// SetBig sets (k, v) to c where len(v) may exceed 64KB.
// GetBig must be used for reading stored values.
// The stored entry may be evicted at any time either due to cache
// overflow or due to unlikely hash collision.
// Pass higher maxBytes value to New if the added items disappear
// frequently.
// It is safe to store entries smaller than 64KB with SetBig.
// k and v contents may be modified after returning from SetBig.
func (c *Cache) SetBig(k, v []byte) {
  atomic.AddUint64(&c.bigStats.SetBigCalls, 1)
  if len(k) > maxKeyLen {
    atomic.AddUint64(&c.bigStats.TooBigKeyErrors, 1)
  valueLen := len(v)
  valueHash := xxhash.Sum64(v)

  // Split v into chunks with up to 64Kb each.
  subkey := getSubkeyBuf()
  var i uint64
  for len(v) > 0 {
    subkey.B = marshalUint64(subkey.B[:0], valueHash)
    subkey.B = marshalUint64(subkey.B, uint64(i))
    subvalueLen := maxSubvalueLen
    if len(v) < subvalueLen {
      subvalueLen = len(v)
    subvalue := v[:subvalueLen]
    v = v[subvalueLen:]
    c.Set(subkey.B, subvalue)

  // Write metavalue, which consists of valueHash and valueLen.
  subkey.B = marshalUint64(subkey.B[:0], valueHash)
  subkey.B = marshalUint64(subkey.B, uint64(valueLen))
  c.Set(k, subkey.B)

Cache の GetBig メソッド


// GetBig searches for the value for the given k, appends it to dst
// and returns the result.
// GetBig returns only values stored via SetBig. It doesn't work
// with values stored via other methods.
// k contents may be modified after returning from GetBig.
func (c *Cache) GetBig(dst, k []byte) []byte {
  atomic.AddUint64(&c.bigStats.GetBigCalls, 1)
  subkey := getSubkeyBuf()
  defer putSubkeyBuf(subkey)

  // Read and parse metavalue
  subkey.B = c.Get(subkey.B[:0], k)
  if len(subkey.B) == 0 {
    // Nothing found.
    return dst
  if len(subkey.B) != 16 {
    atomic.AddUint64(&c.bigStats.InvalidMetavalueErrors, 1)
    return dst
  valueHash := unmarshalUint64(subkey.B)
  valueLen := unmarshalUint64(subkey.B[8:])

  // Collect result from chunks.
  dstLen := len(dst)
  if n := dstLen + int(valueLen) - cap(dst); n > 0 {
    dst = append(dst[:cap(dst)], make([]byte, n)...)
  dst = dst[:dstLen]
  var i uint64
  for uint64(len(dst)-dstLen) < valueLen {
    subkey.B = marshalUint64(subkey.B[:0], valueHash)
    subkey.B = marshalUint64(subkey.B, uint64(i))
    dstNew := c.Get(dst, subkey.B)
    if len(dstNew) == len(dst) {
      // Cannot find subvalue
      return dst[:dstLen]
    dst = dstNew

  // Verify the obtained value.
  v := dst[dstLen:]
  if uint64(len(v)) != valueLen {
    atomic.AddUint64(&c.bigStats.InvalidValueLenErrors, 1)
    return dst[:dstLen]
  h := xxhash.Sum64(v)
  if h != valueHash {
    atomic.AddUint64(&c.bigStats.InvalidValueHashErrors, 1)
    return dst[:dstLen]
  return dst